Friday, 15 November 2013

One of my Insights: Computer Brains?

Now I found this topic up on TomsHardware Forums that really is a great question worth Answering. A Hard Drive is the brains of the Computer? Which Component is it exactly, that acts as the brains of a Computer?

Now if you say the CPU or Processor, that's the right answer in General assumption. People generally say that the CPU will normally be the brains of the computer. Since it'll be the one that processes Data upon receiving an instruction Data. Now in my perspective, the brains of a Computer stems well beyond than just the CPU. It gets a lot more complicated than that.

Now picture a typical human brain. Now what does it do? The typical functions of a Human Brain are basically

1) Processing Instruction
2) Receives Instruction
3) Stores Data and Information

Sounds familiar and sounds like typical functions of computer components? Basically a Computer in a nutshell does that, in a electric format. And many of the components Work in tendem to make it function in a way that will match what a human brain does.

The Basic Components toward a Computer are:
and storage.

Now Let's start with the CPU:
Central Processing Unit - The rate of processing data and carries out its instructions. The Higher the clock speeds, the faster it'll go. And having More CPU Cores will allow multitasking to carry out more tasks at the same time.

The Memory: The Memory will receive Information and holding on to the data before you can quickly access or process it.

Storage: Storage can mean either your Hard Drive or Solid State, but each has the very same use; pure storing. Storage in a computer sense will Archive and preserve your information that you want. The Storage becomes your internal library for all the data to be retrieved just like mind acting to remember past good memories. If your storage Dies then in a way your PC will basically face Amnesia, because you don't have any data archived in the drive.

Motherboard: Basically everything that connects the components together like the Nervous system of the computer so all the other components can work together. If it dies, your PC is basically Dead till replacing of the Mobo. The motherboard however in General is the mother brain of the Computer that controls everything. If it dies, your Computer is basically brain dead.

So in all, the Computer itself is actually all-in-one combined brain. The rest of the parts are just bling stuff. So just a bit of my insights today!

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